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Northridge Academy utilizes the following assessments/screeners to determine the strengths and weaknesses for each student. These assessments allow Northridge Academy teachers to differentiate instruction for all students in grades K-8th.
NWEA (K-8th) is a district wide assessment taken three times per year in both ELA and Math: Fall, Winter and Spring. All students are measured on yearly growth and proficiency from Fall to Spring.
aimswebPlus (K-3rd) is given three times per year in ELA and Math. Students are placed in progress monitoring groups for intervention based on their assessment results.
Dibels 8th edition (4-8th) is given three times per year in ELA. Students are placed in progress monitoring groups for intervention based on their assessment results.
M-STEP (3-8th) is a summative assessment given once per year in the Spring to measure how well students have mastered the educational standards in ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies. The 3rd-7th grade students will be assessed in ELA and Math only, while 8th grade students will be assessed in Science and Social Studies only.
PSAT8/9 (8th) is a summative assessment given once per year in the Spring to measure how well 8th grade students have mastered the educational standards in ELA and Math. This assessment provides relevant information for students to be college and career ready.
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